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ConsoleMessage dataclass

Console message.

Source code in zendriver/cdp/
class ConsoleMessage:
    Console message.

    #: Message source.
    source: str

    #: Message severity.
    level: str

    #: Message text.
    text: str

    #: URL of the message origin.
    url: typing.Optional[str] = None

    #: Line number in the resource that generated this message (1-based).
    line: typing.Optional[int] = None

    #: Column number in the resource that generated this message (1-based).
    column: typing.Optional[int] = None

    def to_json(self) -> T_JSON_DICT:
        json: T_JSON_DICT = dict()
        json["source"] = self.source
        json["level"] = self.level
        json["text"] = self.text
        if self.url is not None:
            json["url"] = self.url
        if self.line is not None:
            json["line"] = self.line
        if self.column is not None:
            json["column"] = self.column
        return json

    def from_json(cls, json: T_JSON_DICT) -> ConsoleMessage:
        return cls(
            url=str(json["url"]) if json.get("url", None) is not None else None,
            line=int(json["line"]) if json.get("line", None) is not None else None,
                int(json["column"]) if json.get("column", None) is not None else None

column: typing.Optional[int] = None class-attribute instance-attribute

level: str instance-attribute

line: typing.Optional[int] = None class-attribute instance-attribute

source: str instance-attribute

text: str instance-attribute

url: typing.Optional[str] = None class-attribute instance-attribute

__init__(source, level, text, url=None, line=None, column=None)

from_json(json) classmethod

Source code in zendriver/cdp/
def from_json(cls, json: T_JSON_DICT) -> ConsoleMessage:
    return cls(
        url=str(json["url"]) if json.get("url", None) is not None else None,
        line=int(json["line"]) if json.get("line", None) is not None else None,
            int(json["column"]) if json.get("column", None) is not None else None


Source code in zendriver/cdp/
def to_json(self) -> T_JSON_DICT:
    json: T_JSON_DICT = dict()
    json["source"] = self.source
    json["level"] = self.level
    json["text"] = self.text
    if self.url is not None:
        json["url"] = self.url
    if self.line is not None:
        json["line"] = self.line
    if self.column is not None:
        json["column"] = self.column
    return json

MessageAdded dataclass

Issued when new console message is added.

Source code in zendriver/cdp/
class MessageAdded:
    Issued when new console message is added.

    #: Console message that has been added.
    message: ConsoleMessage

    def from_json(cls, json: T_JSON_DICT) -> MessageAdded:
        return cls(message=ConsoleMessage.from_json(json["message"]))

message: ConsoleMessage instance-attribute


from_json(json) classmethod

Source code in zendriver/cdp/
def from_json(cls, json: T_JSON_DICT) -> MessageAdded:
    return cls(message=ConsoleMessage.from_json(json["message"]))


Does nothing.

Source code in zendriver/cdp/
def clear_messages() -> typing.Generator[T_JSON_DICT, T_JSON_DICT, None]:
    Does nothing.
    cmd_dict: T_JSON_DICT = {
        "method": "Console.clearMessages",
    json = yield cmd_dict


Disables console domain, prevents further console messages from being reported to the client.

Source code in zendriver/cdp/
def disable() -> typing.Generator[T_JSON_DICT, T_JSON_DICT, None]:
    Disables console domain, prevents further console messages from being reported to the client.
    cmd_dict: T_JSON_DICT = {
        "method": "Console.disable",
    json = yield cmd_dict


Enables console domain, sends the messages collected so far to the client by means of the messageAdded notification.

Source code in zendriver/cdp/
def enable() -> typing.Generator[T_JSON_DICT, T_JSON_DICT, None]:
    Enables console domain, sends the messages collected so far to the client by means of the
    ``messageAdded`` notification.
    cmd_dict: T_JSON_DICT = {
        "method": "Console.enable",
    json = yield cmd_dict